Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'll love him til I die

I love Skeeter. Such an effortless, natural voice.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I went to New York to visit Laura. It was really overrated I think, but not many people agree. I told my parents that I thought it sucked and they were mad at me. If I'm gonna suffer wanton rudeness and pretension at the hands of strangers I'd rather be in a place with real culture and history (Paris for example).

Willamsburg, Brooklyn... Woof!

I had 3 pizza experiences in 3 different parts of the city, all were pretty bad. That was what I most dreamed about and what really crushed my spirit.

Walking in Central Park on her birthday was fun, and we did get good food at this place called "Good enough to eat", talk about accurate advertising. Riding on the subway made me feel like I was in a video game or anime show every time. I felt this curious urge to jump on the tracks and run into the darkness, but I didn't.