Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm behind in 2 of my 3 classes, in procrastination hell. Mama mia, que tragico. Paper due in 20 mins, I'm almost done, can't think straight.

Obama is leading in 5 of 8 key states, looks like he is a lock. STOKED.

My musical tastes have taken a drastic turn toward the homosexual these days. I would rather listen to The Ronettes or Lesley Gore or The Supremes or Sandie Shaw or France Gall than most anything. What would the 16 year old Pat think of this? He would probably be dissapointed but highly amused. I wish I could be friends with him, we would be really good for each other.


Moorea Seal said...

PROCRASTINATION!!!! my life these days. lets procrastinate and watch the election results together with amigos tonight! WOO!

Allie said...

five year old Allie listened to the Supremes. She could hang out with you and 16 year old Patrick.