Friday, May 21, 2010

Writing on my blog, being hip.

I'm not sure what the word "hipster" means. Lots of people sure do though. The only kind of personal titles I'm interested in are the ones people give themselves.

I guess this is all to say that any form of hipster stereotyping (which is really hype right now) really irritates me, because its either making fun of something super obvious and which is not really funny, or it is its own form of elitism, which is self defeating (in the enterprise of making fun of elitists). The "hipster" and the critic are both operating on different paradigms, each seeing their own approach to life as normative. For you philosophy people I am mostly referring here to Thomas Kuhn's seminal work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Anyway, these dialogs are sort of like high school all over again, and one trip through that was enough for me.

And like the man says... "It doesn't matter what you call yourself, its how you carry yourself". I suppose by extension it doesn't matter what you call someone else, its how they carry themselves.


emme said...

thank you.

i just got another link to some dumb "which hipster christian are you" diagram today and frankly, it pissed me off.

so, thank you.

Moorea Seal said...

i appreciate this. also, i hate SO MUCH that the new "Christian Hipster" book was based on a bunch of my friends in Long Beach. especially that my ex boyfriend who I now cant stand, is a main subject of whom the studied for the book. kill me.

Allie said...

Sorry everyone! I thought it was funny. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

obsessed with moss said...

Allie, please don't apologize, I am your biggest fan! I was called a hipster by someone really recently and hear it a whole lot right now by certain roommates of mine, so that link of yours is totally incidental. Now I really hope I didn't offend you, you are the coolest and best.