Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm seeing a girl in Little Rock. I met her because she's in a play with my littlest sister, Julia. I asked her to dinner and its been really intense every day since. She's so pretty and sweet, and we believe the same things mostly which is really significant to me. She's more simple than I am, and I don't mean that in a dismissive or condescending way, I admire it a lot. We couldn't be more different in a lot of ways; she is so southern, has probably never heard a quarter of the music that I love, she was a cheerleader in high school and I was punk, she was in a sorority and stuff, I've toured around the country in creepy vans and slept in cat piss soaked squats. Maybe that's not getting the point across, I'm just trying to say that to me its an unlikely pairing of people. There are a lot of mixed emotions involved because neither of us wants to do a long distance thing. I really want to go back to Seattle, she really wants me to stay. Plus she's moving to Manhattan in July to do more theatre.

I have only known her for a week, but its complicating my plans a lot. I have a ticket back to Seattle for Jan 6th. I could delay the flight to a later date, and then what? She would just end up in New York before either of us know it. I don't want it to just fizzle out, I seriously don't like anyone ever and this is special to me. I feel differently about it a bunch of times every day. What should I do? I just can't say...

Friday, December 10, 2010


I think I relate to the lyrics of this song more than anything I've heard in the last, say, 5 years. There is a steady rain outside, I hear it against the windows when the wind picks up. I hear our drainpipes gurgling. Autumn leaves are almost all gone. I just turned out all the lights, and Lucy is snoring at my feet. My jacket smells like smoke from the fireplace. Posting in the hopes that this will jog my memory, this specific one, some day in the distant future

Winter weather is not my soul

But the biding for spring...

Why's everybody lookin' at me

Like there's something fundamentally wrong?

Like I'm a Southern bird

That stayed North too long.

Winter exposes the nest

And I'm gone.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Alanis Morrisette's album, Jagged Little Pill, is so incredibly good. It was the first pop album I bought with my own money. I still think about those songs almost daily. I was sort of in love with her as an 11 year old, her and Gwen Stefani. I should make a post about Tragic Kingdom, but I digress...

1995 was a big year for me, we got cable and I watched MTV obsessively, back when all they played was music videos (besides Beavis and Butthead, The State, The Real World and The Max). Pretty much everything on MTV in that era was amazing. 120 minutes, headbangers ball, even Yo! Mtv Raps. No, ESPECIALLY Yo! Mtv Raps.

The music video for Ironic is one of my all time Fav's, it takes me to a really happy place. Here is the link to the official video, I can't embed it, thanks WMG!

The song itself is so well written, and the vocals have a strong Cocteu Twins vibe on the "Life has a funny way" bridge. The lyrics are dumb, whatever, I don't care about lyrics though.

Here is a Weird Al spoof which is made up of about 3/4 the original video. I was obsessed with Weird Al from age 9 to 17. If I'm ever famous or rich I really want to hang out with him.