Alanis Morrisette's album, Jagged Little Pill, is so incredibly good. It was the first pop album I bought with my own money. I still think about those songs almost daily. I was sort of in love with her as an 11 year old, her and Gwen Stefani. I should make a post about Tragic Kingdom, but I digress...
1995 was a big year for me, we got cable and I watched MTV obsessively, back when all they played was music videos (besides Beavis and Butthead, The State, The Real World and The Max). Pretty much everything on MTV in that era was amazing. 120 minutes, headbangers ball, even Yo! Mtv Raps. No, ESPECIALLY Yo! Mtv Raps.
The music video for Ironic is one of my all time Fav's, it takes me to a really happy place. Here is the link to the official video, I can't embed it, thanks WMG!
The song itself is so well written, and the vocals have a strong Cocteu Twins vibe on the "Life has a funny way" bridge. The lyrics are dumb, whatever, I don't care about lyrics though.
Here is a Weird Al spoof which is made up of about 3/4 the original video. I was obsessed with Weird Al from age 9 to 17. If I'm ever famous or rich I really want to hang out with him.
Thanks for this nostalgic post! I think my mom bought me Jagged Little Pill on cassette tape, which is just awesome. It was all I listened to. And I remember seeing the music video for the first time ever and my life CHANGED. I wasn't allowed to watch MTV at my house, but I would sneak it when I went to my grandma's house or when I was babysitting, and I felt so cool, watching all these amazing music videos... Those were the days...
i had a friend in high school who's aunt dated weird al.
I'd like to date her too, so Al and I can have that to talk about when we meet. Boy, we're really going to yuck it up, I tell you...
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