My girlfriend moved to new york, crazy times. I have a lot more time to read right now, I've been loving that. It's too hot to do much else.
I love summer. It's such a celebration of life. And life is the best.
Every day here has a heat index of over 100 and humidity of 90+%. Some days my dog hardly even wants to go for a walk once we get outside. Cicada's sing her to sleep as I scratch her chin. Lazy Junebugs bang against our screen door and sometimes my bedroom window when my lamp is on late at night.
I love smelling the magnolia trees in the shade of those shiny dark leaves.
I love finding Crape Myrtle blossoms in my hair when I get into bed.
I love going to Dixie Cafe my Grandmother and visiting over a plate of fried catfish, fried okra, sweet corn, and turnip greens. She tells me about when she was young, how movies cost a dime and a quarter would get you a ticket, a bag of popcorn, and a box of milkduds. She tells me song lyrics I would really get a kick out of. "Ain't We Got Fun", and some old Cole Porter song which escapes me. We talk about Alien life and Art Bell. She doesn't have much time left, she talks about that sometimes too. I hope she has another decade in her at least, I can't imagine raising children in a world without her.
Dude, go get her. What the hell are you thinking?
Oh, it's good to hear your blog voice, Patrick. Your summer sounds so delightful. I want to come and visit and eat fried catfish with you!!!
Alfredo, I really like that. She's not leaving me or moving for good, just moving to audition for musical theater stuff for a while.
She'll be back in a month for her birthday, and I'm planning a trip for October. Then she'll be in Christmas Carol here in Little rock for most of November-December. Not really sure if she'll move back in January she'll probably stay for another chunk of time. In any case we've dated long distance for a while before this and its hard but not impossible.
Moving to New York sounds fun but its not really possible at the moment. Maybe next year or something. I've never really dreamed of living there but I guess this is as good a reason as any. We'll just see.
Shuffle on down!
And thank you, good to hear (see?) your voice (writing?).
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