Saturday, March 26, 2011

Walking in the rain

Last night was chilly, it got back into the 60's. Around 2 am there was another lovely thunderstorm. All day I've been thinking of that Ronnettes song, "Walking In The Rain".

I can't get enough of girl groups. I've been listening to Northern Soul singers more lately too, or U.S. hits that only made it big in The UK. If English people like a pop hit, it probably rules, they are NOT playing.

I'm happy in Little Rock, but I'm lonesome without my friends. I've never been lonesome in this way before, its strange. I really love my time I have with my family and my girlfriend, but I miss having friends to be with. The only person in my world right now that has similar cultural sensibilities is my mom. She's not chopped liver, but I wish I had a friend here that wanted to watch a foreign film, or share snobby opinions on music and pop culture.

1 comment:

Moorea Seal said...

aw, mi amigo. i can understand. thats how i feel when i go home. exactly.

i LOVE nevada city so much. environmentally, i'd rather be there than in Seattle. it feels like the right place to be when I want to be alone, listening to the creek swishing by and the frogs and crickets singing along. but a person can't be alone all the time. we are made for community! we are made for communion with nature and our surroundings, and that is when we are meant to be alone. but we are also meant to be in community. We are meant to be in community with people who are different from ourselves so we can learn deeper aspects of humanity, deeper reflections of God on earth. But we also need community with those who really get us so we are validated and reminded of God in ourselves. And those people, the ones who really really get us and fully relate to us, are hard to come by.
It's those times when I really need the support and love, ease and joyfulness of communion with people similar to me that I find myself lonely in Nevada City. all of the likeminded kids my age have moved away. And it wasn't really like I managed to find any of them when I actually lived in Nevada City, save for a rare few.

I feel you my friend. The beginnings of developing new community is really taxing on the heart. But don't give up. You've gotta think of Little Rock as a new frontier, not one that you already know and feel alone in. You've gotta get on the hunt to find those rare treasures of people who will get you. Perhaps it means searching for shows like crazy, or searching out little independent movie theatres where you can meet some folk with snobby good taste in films. In every city or town, there are people who feel like they don't fit in or aren't the common man. You're not the common man, and that is what makes you special and unique. But you are not alone. I know there must be at least a few other peeps in your hood who have the same desires and needs, passions, loves, feelings, thoughts, as you. And they need you to seek them out.

But hey, in the mean time, think up some fun and dorky ways that you can still "spend time" with your friends far away. Watch movies on netflicks at the same time as a friend here and do a running commentary with each other via skype or aim. Read a book as the same time as a friend and have daily or weekly checkins on where you are at in the book. play online video games together. make packages for each other giving each other a 5 dollar limit with a goal of getting the most shit for 5 bucks and see who wins.
sometimes we have to do things that feel lame to remember that the lightness and joy of friendship doesn't fade over distance.

Thinking of you Patrick and praying some really genuine and relatable friends enter your life soon in your hometown.
xo Moorea