Sunday, July 13, 2008

My sister got married yesterday. Her wedding was the best I've ever been to; very southern, everything was done right. I was an usher and a reader, I read 1John 4:7-16 during the ceremonyd I was really nervous about having a role in the wedding but it was pretty insignificant in the big picture and I know it made Margaret happy so I'm glad I was able to.

After the ceremony we had the most killer reception ever at the Little Rock country club. The food was amazing, I picked the wrong week to try and be vegitarian, or at least veg friendly, because I difinitely ate like 14 pieces of chicken wrapped in bacon. We had a really great band and everyone danced like maniacs. Our party seriously had to be kicked out by the band, they had no more songs to play and it was well after midnight. After the party was the afterparty for family, we reconvened at the Landfair estate. We all hung out, talked, drank (well not me, everyone else) for a while, so sweet. I wrestled with my little cuz Konrad, made people spill drinks, made the dog lick it up, great time. After a while we all sat in the living room and had a sort of family concert. My dad played some old country standards like "cotton fields back home" and "you get a line and I'll get a pole" I played Elliott Smith songs, and Beatles and James Taylor songs, and everyone sang along to the choruses, it was hilarious and awesome, so much love happening.

After that I stayed up with various cousins and friends til 7 watching metalocalypse and bro-ing down hard.

A side note, I love my cousins so much. If you have never been around my family you just can't understand, we rule so hard. I'm not trying to boast, I'm just trying to explain it. They are my favorite people in the world, as are my aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Of course my immediate family is the most dear to me, but the cousins are all such amazing people and I don't see them enough, I hate it. I really have to move back here, it's just home. I love everything about Little Rock, but mostly I love the fact that my family is so nearby. If I could get a good job and start a family here, I think I would be really happy.

This wedding was really emotional for me, and beyond that it really gave me a strong sense of God's sovreingty in my family's life. Everything that has happened up to this point had to happen in order for last night to happen, and last night was just perfect, one of the best times ive had. Supper is ready, gotta go.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Oh, that sounds so lovely. There's nothing better than family and good weddings and music and partying down. Wish I could have experienced it.