Friday, March 6, 2009

You just haven't earned it yet, baby

Everything is due!!! Finals are around the corner, I'm losing it. This has been a tough quarter. So glad that spring is almost here!

I have a problem with blowing off school for quality people time. I'm about to do it again right now. I guess its only a problem if I have a problem with it. I only have 1 quarter left and I am not a good student. I am good at a lot of other things though, like friendship, and I take things like that a lot more serious than book learnin'

I had a partial Mopes practice yesterday (just Dev, Steve, and me). Very productive and satisfying. I almost have an albums worth of songs written and half written, they are getting better and better. I am so excited about the band but also a tad overwhelmed. I think my vision for it might be too huge, I am willing to go all out with it but I don't think I can expect everyone else to do that as well, a balance must be struck. Civilizations are built on compromise I suppose. Some serious managerial skills need to be forged, I need to be more tenacious.

Everyone keeps asking me what I'm doing after college. I don't ever have a good answer. I have this fuzzy idea that I will be working and touring, traveling with friends in between. I think I could do that forever. Not sure how that will work but I have pretty good luck.

1 comment:

Moorea Seal said...

i want to sing with you! tell me when and where, and im there!