Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A poem, unfinished as ever

I want to connect these better, but this is a skeleton. Note to self, keep at it.

The overpass, it shudders,
as all the cars go by.
In the bosom of Abraham,
our kids too tired to cry.
King Sleep, you know he conquers
everyone and all.
Take rest where you can find it.
Cozy up to concrete wall

The road exhales in the distance
as cars drive along
to destinations I don't know.
On nights like these
it's a welcome noise,
and i crack my window just a little
to break up the silence


Moorea Seal said...

poems yes yes!!! write write write. its is on its way somewhere lovely

anna church said...

I really like it, especially the last two lines. It's definitely a great start!